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Below you will find the variety of transportation programs that we offer within Paratransit. Carefully review each description to determine which one(s) may be right for you. You may qualify for more than one program; however, please note that there are different eligibility requirements associated with each application. If you are not sure which program to apply to or have general questions, contact our Customer Service staff at 1-800-632-9063.

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Senior Shared Ride

Senior citizens who are 65 years of age or older are eligible. Most Shared Ride destinations are within your home county; however, rabbittransit also provides regular trips to most adjacent counties based on demand. There is no restriction on purpose so the Senior Shared Ride Program can be used for any kind of trip; medical appointments, shopping, recreation, senior centers, group outings, and more. There may be a small co-pay each time you board the vehicle. The cost is dependent on many variables.

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Shared Ride for Ages 60-64 - Adams, Columbia and Cumberland County Residents

In some counties, individuals who are under the age of 65 and are residents of a participating county are eligible. This limited service allows rabbittransit to pick you up, take you to your destination with others traveling in the same direction and return you home. Restrictions may apply. There may be a co-pay each time you board the vehicle. The cost is dependent on many variables.

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Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP)

County residents, including temporary residents, who have Medical Assistance (hold an Access Card) and meet specific requirements are eligible. The Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) provides free transportation to medical appointments and any service Medical Assistance pays for including: Therapies, tests, dental visits, trips to the pharmacy, and trips to medical equipment suppliers.

You cannot use MATP:

  • If you need emergency ambulance transportation.
  • For non-medical trips such as grocery shopping or social activities.
  • To obtain medical care that is not covered by Medical Assistance.

Various transportation options are available based on accessibility including: Fixed route transportation, mileage reimbursement and origin-to-destination service. rabbittransit staff will determine the mode that best fits your needs based on our requirements to utilize the least costly mode of transportation.

Fixed Route Reimbursement is for passengers who live along an established bus route and are able to use the fixed route bus. Passengers pay upfront to ride the bus and can be reimbursed at King Street Station (up to 10 tickets) or can mail in their reimbursement forms every month to rabbittransit for the full amount. Physician verification (signature) is required on the Fixed Route Reimbursement Form.

Mileage Reimbursement is for passengers who have access to private vehicles (their own or another individual’s) but cannot meet their own transportation needs. This reimbursement will be at a specified rate per mile for travel expenses plus parking and tolls. The rate of reimbursement shall be determined by the PA Department of Human Services, but shall not be less than $.12 per mile. The current rate is $0.25 per mile. MATP will also reimburse you for your actual parking expenses and tolls if you provide receipts showing how much you paid. There are certain circumstances for individual rides in which there are limitations on the number of miles that can be reimbursed.

Origin-to-Destination service is for passengers who are unable, due to a mental or physical disability, to use our fixed route service. This service allows passengers to be picked up and/or dropped off at their home and/or a medical facility.

If you are enrolled in a Medical Assistance Managed Care Organization (MCO), we can provide or arrange transportation for you to any medical provider in the MCO region. MCO regions include: York, Adams and surrounding counties. However, we will only take you to providers in your MCO network, or providers that are out-of-network but who your MCO has referred you to.

If you are in Medical Assistance fee-for-service, we will provide or arrange transportation for you to the provider who is closest to your home and who can meet your medical needs. We will take you to a provider beyond the MCO region only if given medical information that shows the provider is able to meet your needs. The information required for this type of trip is the provider’s name, address, phone number, and the time and duration of the appointment. This type of exception can be requested by calling rabbittransit at 1-800-632-9063.

The MATP Program is based primarily on a reimbursement system. If passengers qualify for origin-to-destination service, the cost is subsidized by the Department of Human Services.

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MATP Urgent Care

There is a provision within the Medical Assistance Transportation Program (MATP) for transportation for urgent care. The definition of “urgent care” includes any illness that if left untreated could become a crisis or an emergency situation if not treated in a 24-hour period or discharge from a hospital. If your transportation is subsidized by the MATP program and you need transportation for an urgent care matter, you should call rabbittransit immediately. Urgent care requests can be made in two ways:
1. A direct request from a healthcare provider to the Mobility Planning Department, or
2. Self-referral. In the case of self-referral, rabbittransit’s Mobility Planning staff will make the appropriate contacts necessary for approval.

MATP urgent care requests can be made by contacting the rabbittransit Call Center at 1-800-632-9063, Monday through Friday.


ADA Complementary Paratransit Program (ADA)

For individuals who, because of a disability, cannot use fixed route bus service, ADA Complementary Paratransit works for any trip that originates and ends within ¾ mile (typically 7 city blocks) of a fixed route.

This service operates during the same days and hours as fixed route service. It is typically origin-to-destination. This type of transportation can be used for any kind of trip; medical appointments, shopping, recreation, senior centers, and more. The cost of a one-way paratransit fare for ADA Complementary Paratransit is typically twice the amount of the current fixed route bus fare. Individuals who are ADA-eligible under another transit authority’s jurisdiction and are visiting the rabbittransit service area may use ADA Complementary Paratransit.

If an individual has not been certified as eligible by another public entity but can claim that they are ADA paratransit eligible, they are entitled to “presumptive eligibility” and must be provided with 21 days of service. Individuals who are not certified by another transit agency will be expected to provide documentation from their place of residence explaining the nature of their disability. A Doctor’s verification and a physical assessment may be needed to determine the individual’s conditions specific to rabbittransit.

The 21 days of service that a visitor receives must be calculated as any combination of 21 days during any 365-day period, beginning with the visitor’s first use of the service. For a visitor who has been granted ADA Complementary Paratransit service in their home region, the individual’s home transit agency will be contacted to verify the individual’s conditions. Transportation will be provided based on the visitor’s verified condition(s).

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Persons with Disabilities (PWD)

Individuals with a disability are eligible for this program if they need transportation in areas that are not serviced by the fixed route (if available), are not eligible for any other funding sources and are between the ages of 18-64. This is a Shared Ride program that operates county-wide, outside the ADA area, and even includes certain out-of-county trips. The cost of one-way fares for the Persons with Disabilities Program are dependent upon the distance traveled.

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Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (MH/IDD)

Clients of supporting Mental Health/Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities (MH/IDD) Programs are eligible. This program provides rides for eligible clients of supporting MH/IDD Programs that are traveling to and from sheltered workshops. Applications for this program are to be completed by MH/IDD Support Coordinators only.

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Paratransit Full Fare

For individuals who do not qualify for other funding sources, but choose to utilize the Paratransit Program under the General Public fare structure. The cost of one-way fares for the general public is dependent upon the distance traveled.

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female senior rider on paratransit vehicle