b'rabbitcares Serves Three Priority Areas: Health Care Access, Food Access and VeteransMission:rabbitcares, the 501(c)(3)Health Care Access: In partnering with rabbitcares, rabbittransit has been able to provide charitable organization of rabbittransit,trips to meet the medical needs of Geisinger Health Insurance customers and UPMC is a nonprofit organization advancingcustomers.affordable and convenient mobilityACCESS TO HEALTH CAREsolutions that allow all Central Pennsylvanias residents to connect toGeisinger Health Plan Trips 3778their most basic needs. Geisinger Managed Care Organization Trips 1302UPMC Passes Issued 93Vision:Creating a community where everyone has mobility opportunities.Food Access: In partnership with rabbittransit and GIANT, rabbitcares provided 7,643 Board of Directors trips to GIANT Food stores free of charge to riders and delivered 11,426 meals to homes. Glenn Miller, Chairperson Many of rabbittransits riders are older adults or persons with disabilities who struggle Carrie Gray, Vice Chairperson with mobility. rabbitcares donated 73 portable grocery carts through its grocery cart Keith Martin, Treasurer program to increase ease of travel with groceries.Thomas Wilson, Secretary 11,426 Home Delivered MealsSue Aumen GIANT SHUTTLEDarlene BrownJanetta Green West East TotalRaymond Rosen Riders4,068 3,575 7,643info@rabbitcares.org Veterans: Supported by the Veterans Trust Fund Grant of $50,000, rabbitcares provided rabbitcares.org 3,628 Veterans trips to the VA Clinics and issued 2,550 passes in partnership with rabbittransit.'