b'SERVICESFranklin County Veterans TransportationRoute 1E Increases FrequencyIn February 2024, rabbittransit, in partnership with Franklin In November 2023, rabbittransit increased service frequencyCounty and the Franklin County Veterans Affairs Office, to its York fixed route 1E with buses running every 15 minuteslaunched a free weekly shuttle service to improve veterans on weekdays during peak periods from the King Street Stationaccess to essential healthcare services. Through the to the East York Walmart. This change, recommended byPennsylvania Department of Transportations (PennDOT) rabbittransits Planning staff, was based on historic ridershipShared Ride program, Franklin County veterans can demand and the Transit Development Plan (TDP). It has alreadyschedule rides to the Hagerstown VA Clinic and Martinsburg led to a 15% increase in daily ridership on the route and a 9%VA Hospital from Franklin County every Wednesday.system-wide ridership increase so far in 2024. This initiative addresses the current demand and serves as a precursor to establishing a high-intensity transit line, which will be a key focus in rabbittransits 2025 TDP as it works to enhance transit corridors with frequent service and improved infrastructure. Shippensburg Fixed RouteTo better serve the greater Shippensburg community and Shippensburg University students, rabbittransit revised its Raider Regional Transit (RRT) fixed route service. The Red Line now operates on weekdays, while the Blue Line runs only on Saturdays. Additionally, rabbittransit now manages the Shippensburg service in-house. rabbittransit extends its gratitude to Wolf Bus Line for their years of valuable partnership in delivering this service.'